Name & Surname
Phone or Whatsapp Number
What is your business’s/projects name?
What products or services do you offer?
What industry is your business/Project in?
Which service are you looking for? Select from our dropdown menu.
Brand Strategy Development
Social Media Development
Branding & Graphic Design
Full Service ( All the above )
Who is your target audience? Can you describe your ideal customer?
Do you have professional branding ( Logos, packaging design, social media elements etc ) elements for you business/project?
How do you currently market your products or services? Which channels and tactics do you use?
What are the main challenges or pain points you face in your current marketing efforts?
Have you conducted any market research or customer surveys?
What is your budget for digital marketing?
What are your primary goals for working with a digital marketing agency (e.g., brand awareness, lead generation, sales)?
What are your business/project goals for the next 12 months?
Do you have any existing digital marketing assets (website, social media accounts, email list, etc.)? If yes, please provide details.
Do you have an in-house marketing team? If so, how many members are on the team?
Are there any specific metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs) that you use to measure success? If yes, what are they?
What are your social media marketing goals?
What is your desired timeline? Are there any specific milestones or deadlines we should be aware of?
What digital marketing channels are you currently using (e.g., social media, email, SEO, PPC)?
How often do you update your website and social media channels?
How would you describe your brand's unique selling proposition (USP)?
Do you have a content strategy in place? If so, what types of content do you create (e.g., blog posts, videos, infographics)?
How do you currently handle customer inquiries and feedback?
How often would you like to receive updates and reports on our progress?
Are there any particular brands or businesses you admire for their digital marketing?
How familiar are you with digital marketing concepts and strategies?
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your business or your marketing needs?